Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Our favorite ex(soon-to-be re)patriot is making headlines, literally. Last week, The Times ran an article about Adam's new position at Reuter's latest bureau. In case you didn't read the article, the new bureau is in the online game Second Life. Adam created an online version of himself and will report to the new Reuters Second Life building to cover news for the more than 850,000 players of the game.

Second Life is an online community with its own monetary system, shops and businesses. Players create online characters that represent themselves, called "avatars" (just like in the movie Tron) and interact in a real economy, where U.S. dollars can be exchanged for Linden dollars. The avatars can take on just about any name and physical attribute -- some people create accurate versions of themselves while others use the community to live vicariously and anonymously by posing as someone totally different.


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Adam must really be rolling in dough...first his stint as the red Wiggle and now this?????

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Adam is bringing sexy back to the virtual community.
