Sorry to leave you hanging yesterday without a Mean Spirited Monday but we had a hell of A Sunday night and I was too exhausted to come up with anything mean or otherwise to say yesterday.
Here is what happened. A friend of ours was visiting from MA (about an hour and fifteen minutes away) and we all went over to another friend's house up here in our neck of the woods for a big country lunch. After a great meal, we said our goodbyes and the MA friend dropped Seth & I off back at our house and headed home.
Even though it was just a little past 7pm, it was pitch dark and about thirty minutes later we got a call from MA friend who was now in an ambulance on her way to the hospital. It turns out, her GPS was taking her home by a different route and in the dark, she thought she was going the way she had come, when at a dangerous and sudden curve in the road, which she thought was going to turn the opposite direction, she lost control of her car, flipped it and spun off the road. Fortunately, she was ok, and walked away with a concussion, and some pretty bad and bloody bruises.
We hopped in our car and headed out to pick her up at the hospital, then off to the police station and finally to try and find her car so she could get her stuff out. We then drove her home to her apartment in central MA and stayed the night there to keep an eye on her. None of us got much sleep and Seth and I finally headed home yesterday around 7am.
In other much better news, my sister had her baby yesterday! A healthy baby boy (her second). Everyone is doing great and gifts for the baby can be sent to me in the form of cash with a note telling me what you would like me to buy with the cash.