Thursday, August 30, 2007

Proud To Be A U.S. American

The following video was on Gawker so many of you have probably already seen it. It's so great that I decided to post it anyway. If you haven't seen it yet, It's a short clip of Miss Teen USA contestant Lauren Caitlin Upton of South Carolina, answering a question about American's inability to locate their own country on a map.

Enjoy and be very frightened.


  1. You know, the funny thing is I think she's totally right.

  2. Oh, I am afraid. I basically just moved into her homeland. Which is somewhere in U.S. America. Which is...crap, I don't have a map, it's in Africa and Iraq.

  3. I think her E just kicked in.

  4. That girl is HOT!

  5. You know what Judge Judy says: "Beauty fades but dumb is forever."
