Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Countdown Has Begun

I've got so many things to look forward to in the immediate future that I can barely focus on typing this post. Maybe a little Focusyn would help.

For starters, there's the bloggers booze fest gathering this afternoon evening to look forward to. Aside from my own group of friends who I have been getting trashed with I have enjoyed the company of for many many years, my fellow bloggers drink like its their jobs.

Today also marks the opening of the Transformers movie! I have been salivating over this movie for as long as it was rumored to be in the works and my anticipation hit a new level when it was finally announced that production had begun. I have to be honest, I have a feeling that Michael Bay will rely on human characters that are so cliche and stereotypical that I'll route for their horrible deaths. But so what? I'm going to this movie for the Autobots and Decepticons.

Tomorrow is Independence day, which I'm fairly certain has something to do with freeballing it all day. With or without underpants, I'll be joining some friends and loved ones for a good old fashioned BBQ and hopefully illegal fireworks display.

Last but not least, as of 5:00 this afternoon, I've got a 5 day weekend to enjoy! My dreams of the workday/weekend reversal will come true if only for a week.

So I hope everyone else is as excited about the next few days as I am. I'll probably be too drunk busy to blog much over the next few days but you never know so check back.


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Me too! See you later...but am worried that in getting there after 6pm, everyone will be WAY ahead of me. Maybe I should pregame at my desk.

  2. Midwestern Gal, I probably won't be there until 5 or 5:15.

  3. I also have a 5 day vaca. Whooot! Have fun!

  4. I'm considering breaking into the bar before they open and shotgunning some booze.

  5. You too JD!

    Clint - if you do, leave some booze for the rest of us.

  6. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Save some space for boozin' tomorrow. No chicos day allowed.

  7. I won't be there until after 6:00 p.m.

    I will drink you all under the table. =+)

  8. I know. so much going on. see you later!

  9. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Transformers movie completely delivered. Have fun on break and tell everyone I said what up. Wish I could join y'all.

  10. Anonymous10:37 PM

    can't wait to see Transformers too!

  11. Just saw the movie. This is rare, but I'm thinking about seeing it in the theater again. I liked it that much.
