Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Most Important Petition You Have Ever Been Asked To Sign

Did you know that St. Patrick's Day is not an official holiday? Well the forward thinking folks at Guinness are working hard to change that. Proposition 3-17 will establish everyone's favorite drinking day as an official holiday but they need our help. In order to present the petition to Congress, Guinness needs 1 million signatures by midnight on March 16th. So let's help them out. Sign the petition online or text "SIGN" to 65579.

If we all work together, we can make sure that banks and the post office will be closed on March 17.


  1. If I only worked for the bank or the post office...damn my non-Irish luck. I'll sign it though.

  2. I signed. St. Pat's is my favorite holiday and I have to work! Lame dude.

  3. I will go and sign now.

    That reminds me...I have to get my St. Patrick's Day cards out to everyone.

  4. Does this mean that everyone who is Irish automatically gets the day off?

  5. I have to say, I'm not the world's biggest fan of the holiday here in NYC. It always seems to lead to fights or broken glass or something.
