Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More Pot References Less Love Please

What happened to the writers of How I Met Your Mother during the strike? Did they all start taking estrogen meds during that time? Ever since the show returned a couple of weeks ago, it feels more like a bad Drew Barrymore chick-flick than the original, unique, and funny sitcom it used to be.

Until recently, I loved this show. But if it's going to replace the offbeat sandwich smoking story lines with weekly love stories then I'll have to bail out before ever learning how Ted met anyone's mother.


  1. Oooh.

    I, too, used to enjoy HIMYM®™©™ on Monday nights...But now that's one of Sister Kisser®™©™'s rehearsal nights.

    I'm so glad I am not missing out on anything good.

  2. I read that their fear of getting cancelled has them rushing to get to the plot point where he actually "meets your mother".

  3. HIMYM may have jumped the shark...
