Monday, June 25, 2007

Let's Get Stoop-id!

On Saturday, Seth & I took all the crap from our apartment that we were sick of looking at some lovely second hand items over to Kitty's Park Slope stoop, where we joined Kitty and her husband for a super duper stoop sale. Not to toot my own horn but between out two households, we had the best stoop sale I have ever seen. Kitty and husband had rows of boxes filled with DVDs and CDs and Seth & I had a bunch of games, video games, toys and housewares, many of which had never been opened or used.

We had a rush of people arrive before we were even finished setting up or had made our first round of cocktails. We decided to start the day with homemade Lynchburg Lemonades, which were crisp, refreshing and just enough whiskey to deal with the wack jobs who turn out for stoop sales. And turn out they did! The crazy train rolled in with a lady that Kitty mistook for a man and called "sir". She/he was joined by a rather odd couple who wanted to know why Kitty's DVDs were priced so high at $4. Later in the day a large woman on a scooter pulled up to haggle and asked husband if he would give her a T-shirt for $1 since she was going to have to wash it 5 times just to get his smell out of it.

We even had some celebrity shoppers when the guy who made "Supersize Me" and his girlfriend (or wife maybe?) and author came by.

At some point in the day we switched to beer and were joined by friends Cyndi, Kelly, Adam, and Danella. The stoop sale turned into more of block party and seeing as how beautiful the weather was on Saturday we sat outside drinking until the sun set. At the end of the day Seth & I took in close to $200 and had a blast! The only thing more fun than drinking with friends outside on a gorgeous day is getting paid to do it.


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Sounds like great fun!!! Nothing completes a day better than drunk dialing Singapore!!

    Miss you!

  2. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Looks like a great time.

    Nothing completes the day better than some drunk dialing to Singapore.

    Miss you....

  3. Damn. Not only did I not see your stoop sale this weekend, but I missed Morgan Spurlock! In my neighborhood!

    I'm depressed.

    Next time warn me about these P. Slope things in advance.

  4. Look how tall Morgan and his wife are compared to me....must be all those wheat grass spirulina shakes she makes them drink....

  5. anonymous - sorry for the hour of that call. We'll get this time difference thing figured out eventually.

    Todd - you will be the first person I tell about future Park Slope events.

    Kitty - They are both giants!

  6. This brings back old memories of when I lived in Park Slope for three days on your couch.

  7. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Fun! What was the grand total?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Josh - You will have to move back to Park Slope for the September Stoop Sale.

    Gal - I'm not sure how much Kitty & Her husband made but we took in around $200.

  10. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Me in that hat is one of the last things I remember about that day (until the shark video some 8 hours later)

  11. Very cool that you got to meet Morgan Spurlock and his wife. Wish I'd know about the stoop sale, too. $4 DVDs is a pretty good deal.

  12. Kelly, do you remember falling over backwards at your apartment?

    haha - there will be another stoop sale and I'll make sure to post about it in advance next time.

  13. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Um...gonna have to go with No on that one. Although it would explain the bruises. Was it down the stairs?

  14. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I'm gonna assume the DVDs weren't all that good so that I don't feel bad about missing the sale :(

  15. Wish i was there. I hope you didn't sell any good Star Wars stuff.

  16. I would LOVE to get paid to drink!

  17. GOAG - Actually, we had a lot of really good DVDs including rarae horror movies and anime titles.

    jd - Never! I'm saving my SW collection for retirement.

    lioux - You and me both!

  18. [gasp] i wish i knew you were doing this! i totally would have come, had i been in town.

  19. Colleen - we are having another in September. I'll keep you posted.
