Monday, April 30, 2007

Shall Wii Play A Game

For the first time in over a month, we didn't have any late night Wii parties at our place over the weekend. I'm sure my neighbors appreciated that. Instead, we had a Wii-fest at Kelly and Monkey Deamon's house last Thursday then on Saturday I joined Kitty and her husband for the classic arcade stylings of Robotron. I haven't come across any pictures from Thursday night, although, I could swear I took some. I was also convinced that there was a ghost at Kelly's apartment so who knows what actually happened. In any event, following are some pics of me and Kitty saving the last family from evil robots. Enjoy!


  1. Ghost, ehhhh? Have you been over to Zombie Fights Shark today?
    I LOVE Robotron.

  2. Why won't you let me comment on the above post? booo

    I'm so writing a letter that you used your cell phone to take pictures. That's pergery! Or contempt of court! Or something!

  3. Colleen - Robotron kicks ass. I played my best game Saturday.

    dmbmeg - Sorry for the crappy pics. My call phone was the only camera I had with me.

  4. Maybe we should have a bloggers Robotron party at my place some night...

  5. "Why won't you let me comment on the above post? booo"

    Totally dmbmeg! What's THAT about?

    The last time I had jury duty some horrible guy kept hitting on me. He was SOOOO annoying.

  6. Commenting on above post now open. Sorry for any confusion.
    -The Management.

    Kitty - That sounds like a grand plan! I'm in.
